Who's Your Why Do Young Men Like Older Women Customer?

Who's Your Why Do Young Men Like Older Women Customer?

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Doctors around the world have written a surprising number of prescriptions for testosterone treatment in recent years. Nearly 3 percent of American men aged 40 and older are thought to possess received such scripts in 2011-three times the percentage in 2001. (If confirmed, the 2011 ratio could mean that two million older men in the U possibly.S. have been given prescriptions for testosterone.) Originally intended for men who experience difficulty producing sex hormones because of damage or disease in their testes or other parts of the endocrine system, testosterone replacement therapy has become increasingly popular with middle-aged and older men who do not possess clear deficits but who nonetheless hope to lessen some of the symptoms of aging, including fatigue, muscle wasting and lack of sex drive.

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In truth, no one knows whether the hormone can offer any of the health benefits that its proponents claim for aging males. Well-designed, placebo-controlled trials of the drug in men who do not meet the standard criteria for treatment have been scant in number, and their results have been inconsistent.

As testosterone therapy becomes more widespread, a growing number of medical experts worry that it has become too easy for men to get the hormone-whether from their own physicians or stand-alone “low T” clinics-and that many users could be putting themselves at risk for worse conditions than those they are trying to counteract.

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Testosterone, seeing as produced simply by the physique, is a versa newtile hormone. Disease or injury in the testes or pituitary gland-a part of the brain that instructs the testes to produce testosterone-can hinder the body's ability to make the hormone. When male growth hormone degrees drop also reduced, adult men can come to be discouraged and tired, lose interest in sex, and lose some of their body and muscles hair. In addition to maintaining sperm production, the molecule helps many tissues to grow: it increases muscle and bone mass, just as nicely just as the development of red blood cells-all of which will be vital for strength and energy.

While the potential risks associated with taking supplemental testosterone-particularly in otherwise healthy men-are not well studied, matter has got centered on the subject of whether further sums of the hormone may damage the prostate, brain or heart. Many prostate tumors depend on testosterone to grow, so increasing the level found in the blood might nudge normal cells to become malignant or push malignant cells to become more aggressive. In the meantime, the agency now requires all testosterone products to contain a warning label about the potential for blood clots. Meals and Medicine Government introduced that it will be researching the issue to observe whether more robust restrictions happen to be desired. In addition, two recent studies found an increase in heart attacks and strokes among older men taking testosterone-which the authors speculated might occur if the drug increased clotting risk and drove up blood pressure. Previously this calendar year the U.S.

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As long as testosterone therapy was available only by injection, its use seemed to be mainly reduced to persons with testicular accidental injuries or various other serious disorders. But anxiety of knitting needles no uncertainty placed some guys from trying to find therapy. The therapy significantly enhances desire and atmosphere in guys with these disorders, and the fda approved the drug for those situations.

Individuals were more willing to consider their options once pharmaceutical companies figured out how to deliver the drug more easily. A transdermal patch that delivered the medicine through the skin of the scrotum became available in 1993. (Subsequent patches could be applied to the arms, and thighs back. ) But the quantity of adult men choosing additional testo-sterone initiated to rise in 2000 definitely, with the launch of an easier-to-use serum that could become applied on the shoulder muscles possibly, armpits or thighs.

Greater ease of use also led to an expansion in the number of conditions for which doctors considered testosterone therapy to be a plausible treatment in spite of any supportive data. Perhaps an extra dose of testosterone could be helpful for otherwise healthy men whose hormone levels had faded with age or because they were obese or suffered from diabetes? (It is unclear precisely why testosterone levels decline for certain individuals in these situations.) In addition, CAPTIONED NUDE OLDER WOMEN PORN PICTURES some men who did not have testicular injuries desired the sex hormone because they thought it would treat erectile dysfunction or boost their mood.

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Given the continuing uncertainty about the hormone, the Endocrine Society, an global company of well being caution specialists targeted on hormone endocrinology and study, advises doctors to perform two blood tests to confirm below-typical levels of testosterone and rule out other potential causes of their patients' symptoms before writing a prescription. Yet the most recent research suggests that between 25 and 40 percent of patients receiving testosterone replacement therapy never had a blood test to measure their testosterone before starting treatment.

Preliminary findings by Jacques Baillargeon, director of the epidemiology division in the department of preventive medicine and community health at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and his colleagues offer clues as to why so many men get testosterone prescriptions without the recommended blood work. Although Baillargeon will not speculate about why primary care physicians are more likely to write a prescription without first ordering a blood test, Glenn Cunningham, a professor of medicine and an endocrinologist at the Baylor College of Medicine, suggests that perhaps the generalists will be less familiar with the Endocrine Society's guidelines. According to their analyses of insurance claims databases, about 70 percent of men who have tried testosterone therapy did so after seeing a key care physician, not necessarily a endocrinologist or urologist.

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Other sources of testosterone include increasingly common low T clinics, many of which require men to pay for prescriptions out of pocket, motivating Baillargeon in order to believe incompatible recommending follows “possibly.”

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The clinics say their staff are trained in hormone medicine and do the appropriate blood work, but such claims are hard to verify without a data trail from insurance filings. In addition, the clinics happen to be not evaluated or regulated by medical government or organizations groups.

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New Limits?
The troubling spread of testosterone therapy in men has parallels to the early use of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. But by 2004, after researchers had completed two major parts of the Women's Health Initiative-which together formed a massive study of 27,347 women that compared treatment with a placebo in a scientifically rigorous way-doctors realized hormone therapy does more harm than good in most women over the long term. Starting in the 1990s, a series of studies suggested that many women who took a combination of estrogen and progestin as they grew older would suffer less from heart disease.

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The study initially prompted a dramatic drop in the number of women taking prescription hormones. “I think we are less naive” than before the Women's Health Initiative, says Bradley Anawalt, a University of Washington professor of medicine and chair of the Endocrine Society's Hormone Well being Network. Since then, however, a more nuanced view has come into focus: the proved benefit of relieving menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes is worth the risk for some women, provided they limit treatment to the first several years after menopause. “We are usually spotting there will be a straightforward remedy in no way, and we have to discover who benefits and who gets harmed.”

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For testosterone, some of those responses may be forthcoming soon. government funded a team of researchers to recruit and study participants for the Testosterone Trial-a group of seven long-term studies of how testo-sterone therapy affects sexual activity, energy level, memory, bone and heart health, and the ability to walk a certain distance. Half the men (the experimental group) applied a gel with testosterone to their shoulders, each morning for a 12 months belly or higher hands, and the other half (the control group) used a gel containing a placebo. The trial followed 788 men, aged 65 and older, whose testosterone levels in the blood were much lower than average. The series started in 2009, when the U.S. Effects from a collection of methodical analyses refined precisely who might get from testo-sterone treatment, and under what circumstances, this year are expected to be published starting later. Experts furthermore supervised prostate malignancy danger, based on prostate-specific antigen levels and a rectal exam, and stroke risk, structured on red blood cell levels during the treatment year and for at least a year afterward.

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Studies of the risks of testosterone use would likely follow only if the data on benefits were promising. Perhaps though many of these randomized placebo-controlled samples can acquire a long time to do, they offer the best hope for separating truth from wishful thinking. Health researchers often look first at benefits of a treatment because theses studies call for fewer test subjects than risk studies do.

Carina Storrs is a freelance writer in New York City. The Pulitzer Center on Crwill beis Reporting provided travel hupport for this story, which formerly came out in Aspect.

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